Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Now you have opened a can of worms!
I used to (regrettably) do some form of imprinting on my new foals. And like the experiences shared here - unpredictable "results". I'm not sure what I was expecting. I had worked at a breeding stable for years and after assisting the mare - stepped out and let the mare do the imprinting. When I had my own foals the imprinting was part of my own personal need to 'hug and hold'. Now I understand it to be trauma! At the "cellular" level! These imprinted foals are actually trauma victims at a very early age and become  "dead" horses as adults.
Harmon - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-TLrFq9gXg&list=PLFF54166AEFB805D0&index=33&feature=plpp_video
Now I don't halter "break", tie or even lead until they are at least three or even four. I can still 'move' them and absolutely have the "dominance' that KFH speaks of (how I hate that word!). Now they can be the real teachers they are meant to be.
Listen (or listen again if you have already heard them) the interviews with KFH  (and Linda Kohanov) from the Path of the Horse and Horse Conscious series.

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