Wednesday, November 6, 2013

basics - joke

You might be missing the basics if:
       - you turn your horse with the inside rein
       - you train your horse to 'lower his head'
       - you teach your horse his canter leads
       - you practice "patterns/movements" until he gets it right
       - you think you can connect a horse with no contact
       - you give your horse rhythm
       - you ride 'front to back'..... aka the head
       - you move any of your horse's body parts "for" him
       - you put your horse in a 'frame'

..... do not be ashamed if your were not taught the basics - 99% of riders today were never taught the basics. Please do not label me as a kook or as being judgmental just because I know the basics.
.... more importantly - I 'discern' what is not ..... the basics.


I must admit - when I first saw this - I was intrigued. Cautiously. Something did not feel right.
Then I understood! To use this as anything more than a 'self hug' is ........ not helpful. Not a 'hug in motion'.
I do not want to sound critical of the TTouch. TTouch is a clear, kind "system" that the 'unaware' can practice to become more aware.
This is a cozy hug. The short coming of the body wrap is - it does not include the whole horse. More specifically the whole movement. The entire 'step'. Hindleg-foreleg-head. It is the WHOLE stride that makes it beautiful! The head and neck is an EQUAL part of every step of the ...... horizontal horse.
Our goal as 'forward riders' (on the ground and in the 'saddle') is to complete every stride. Alllll the way from the hind leg - through(!) the supple relaxed back - through(!) the foreleg - and out the forehead!!!!!
...... that "freedom" and "self-carriage" part. And FORWARD.